The impact driver is the belle of the ball these days. Shop Cordless Hammer Drills on ! The Impact Driver From the standpoint of a shop woodworker, you won’t really have much use for a hammer drill except the occasional DIY job. So if you do a lot of work with masonry, this is definitely a drill that should be in your collection. Believe it or not, I thought the drill was broken the first time I fired one up! These drills excel at plowing through concrete and other masonry. This type of drill is very loud and feels like a little jackhammer in your hands. This is pretty much what is happening when you use a hammer drill, only the hammer hits are fast and furious. So what does the hammer setting actually do? Imagine while you’re drilling, someone is smacking the back of the drill with a hammer to help drive the bit further into the work. In fact, you can find a number of models out there that have both a regular and a hammer setting. Shop Cordless Drill/Drivers on ! The Hammer DrillĪ hammer drill pretty much looks like a regular drill, which can create some confusion. So consider going with a smaller drill as it is easier to carry around and fits into smaller spaces. In a small shop, you always have the option to charge and you rarely use the tool for hours. A big, powerful drill/driver might be useful on the job site where you might use the tool for hours one end without a convenient place to charge. But remember, if you’re a shop woodworker like me, bigger is not always better. These drills come in all shapes and sizes as well as voltages (the latest are boasting 20v batteries!).

But for some special tasks, there are definitely better options out there, and you’ll read about those below. They are affordable, dependable, versatile, and they are great for both drilling holes and driving screws. But for all the new creature comforts, these drills all operate in pretty much the same fashion. Over the years they’ve lost their cords, shed a few pounds, and we’ve seen the addition of keyless chucks and on-board lights. You know ’em, you love ’em, and everyone has at least one. But in the end you’ll understand what each drill does and approximately how it does it, so let’s dive in! The Traditional Drill/Driver The subtle differences can be explained with a few rather simple analogies though I’m sure some sticklers for details might take issue with my explanations. The distinctions eluded me for quite some time until I decided to do a little research and get some answers for myself. Instead, I decided it would be more useful to you if I discuss the differences between impact drivers, hammer drills, and regular drills. This is my first and only impact driver so I can’t really compare it to other brands. I have had the DeWalt Impact driver in my shop for several years now and I finally decided it was time to talk about it.